Saturday, May 24, 2008

I thought you might be interested in seeing some of the new things I made for my Etsy stores recently

Here are a few of the new things I have recently been working on for my Etsy stores. I hope you like them. My roses will be sold in my supply store Starfirehawk, the stuffed animals are available in my store FantasyCreations and I sell handcrafted jewelry and other handcrafted things in my store FantasyCreations1. There are links to my store on the left hand side. Note: the blue merhorse was sold as a custom order. The lavender one is still available.

Monday, May 19, 2008

The real Mother Goose steps forward in a strange Canada Goose family

I visited a beautiful park in Portland twice recently and both times I saw a strange group. There is a large gray/white goose who is a member of an extended family. She looks like Mother Goose and functions like a nanny or a great aunt in this family of Canada Geese and gooslings. She guides and protects the little family but they are not her kin. Have a look at the pictures. This is an amazing group.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Blue Scrub Jays Nesting in my Yard and Attacking my Cats!

I constantly hear the rasping CHEEEeeee! of two scrub jays (also called California Jays but we are in Oregon) who are raising young in the large rhododendron shrub in my back yard. The have laid claim to the entire yard and constantly terrorize any of my cats who are out walking or even on the front porch taking a nap. I have had a hard time catching them in motion but if you look carefully at the pictures you can see a blue blur as one flies by. They actually hit the cats in the tail, back or head from behind. One distracts the cat with scraming, pecking at things and picking up debris and tossing it around. Then the partner swoops in silently and swiftly from behind and hits the cat! Their team effort has proven successful. My cats would rather stay in the house now.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Love Orange? Look at these Orange Houses!

There seems to be a strange new trend in house colors in my neighborhood. Orange houses are blooming like dandilions in my neighborhood. My neighbors are talking and most folks don't seem to like it but I think they are fun and cheerful. I cansee one through my kitchen window. I think it will make winter seem less gray. I hope you are having a great day!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Obama has earned my support

I just have to say that I hope Obama is the next democratic candidate

for president. I think Hillery feels entitled and she has no problem

with lying to us and saying what she thinks we want to hear.

I am impressed with Obama and he has my vote.

I am making both HOPE and Obama earrings, and a bracelet that spells out "Yes We Can" and selling them from my FantasyCreations1

store on Etsy so that Obama fans can wear their support as jewelry.

Cat Earrings will raise money for House of Dreams

I am beginning to list cat earrings in my FantasyCreations1 Etsy store as a fundraiser for House of Dreamd a no-kill cat shelter in Portland, Oregon. I will donate 50% of the price of the earrings to the shelter when they sell. I hope you'll purchase cat earrings from my store and help the shelter provide for the need of these kittys. The photo I'll post here is only the first of many darling earrings.