Friday, March 21, 2008

My Poem: Memorial to Yesterday

Memorial to Yesterday

Bits and pieces fit together

In the ruins in my mind,

Memories in shattered fragments

Of the years I've left behind,

I stumble like a blind man

As I wander through the rooms

Cobwebbed corners, shaded windows

And the musty smell of tombs,

Wrotting coffins lit by torches,

That will burn forevermore,

And I, weeping, wander sadly

Opening each and every door.

I place flowers to the memories

Of Loves I've seen grow old,

And I mourn, for 'twas not my heart

But 'twas theirs that did grow cold,

And when leaving I blow kisses

to the dreams I leave behind

Each of them are broken pieces

of the ruins in my mind.

by R. F-M

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